Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some day!

Some day I'll be a decent blogger.

So today I turned down my contract to work for another year. I know sad huh? She offered me a contract saying for 30-35 hours a week and I cannot commit to that. I only have a babysitter for 9 hours a week. I have mixed feelings because Brett wants me to work, at least somewhere, but I don't mind not working. I take care of my children, dogs and turtle, the best I can and clean. I have plenty of volunteer work to do so we'll see, I guess Father offered to pay me for my volunteer work, but I havn't heard anything.

I discovered the my bicycle cart is a RUNNING stroller to, not just a double stroller! I'm super excited to take it for a run tomorrow!

Michael is standing up, not quite sitting yet, well not standing but kneeling! he still crawls slowly. It's the funniest thing to see!

Lexi is upstairs watching the Little Mirmaid for the hundreth time in a few weeks. I have to go and read her a story and put her to bed.

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